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2024 GKS YEAR-END PARTY ('24.12.18.)
2024 GKS YEAR-END PARTY|2024 정부초청외국인장학생 송년의 밤일시 | 2024. 12. 18.(수) 16:00~18:30장소 | 국립국제교육원 1층
[GKS 동문회 소식/GKS Alumni Association News]2023 GKS YEAR END PARTY
2023 GKS YEAR END PARTY정부초청외국인장학생 송년의밤일시 | 2023. 12. 21.(월) 16:00~18:30 장소 | 국립국제교육원 1층
[GKS 동문회 소식/GKS Alumni Association News]/ 태국
태국 한국교육원에서 실시하는태국인 한국 유학생 동문회 관련 안내입니다.
[GKS 동문회 소식/GKS Alumni Association News]/ 인도
On December 17, GKS India Alumni Association held their annual symposium online and the event was attended by distiguished guests, such as the Ambassador of Republic of Korea in India, H.E. Chang Jae Bok; The Registrar of JNU and GKS alumnus Prof Ravikesh; Retired from the CKS, JNU, Prof. Vajayanti Raghavan; Current chairperson of the CKS, JNU, Dr. Neerja Samajdar; and Professor Satyanshu Srivastava, President of the GKSIAA.3 Seniors of the GKS alumni were invited as speakers for the event and they spoke regarding their time in Korea, the differences of studying and working in Korea, cooperating with Korean people on a corporate level, and how studying in Korea influenced their lives and careers. The event was attended by other GKS alumni as well as aspirants GKS students.
[GKS 동문회 소식/GKS Alumni Association News]/스리랑카
On November 22, Sri Langka GKS Alumni Association held a GKS Alumni Reunion and Annual General Meeting at Jetwing Colombo 7 Hotel. The event was attended by 45 peopple including Ambassador Jeong Woon Jin, Vice Chancellors of University of Kelaniya and University of Colombo, 16 GKS alumni, and others. The event was opened with speech by Sri Langka GKS Alumni Association president, Dr. Tharanga Ranasinghe, followed with congratulatory speeches by the Ambassador Jeong Woon Jin, Vice Chancellor of University of Kelaniya Nilanthi De Silva, and Vice Chancellor of University of Colombo H.D Karunaratne. A variety of cultural perfomances were held during the event including traditional dance, 강강술래, Korean folk songs, Arirang and 오나라, as well as traditional martial arts, 택견.GKS Alumni, Dr. Aruna Ranaweera, shared a presentation on 'Research and Innovations for Economic Resilience and Sustainability, South Korean Perspective and GKS for Human Capital Development'. Which then followed by another presentation conducted by Dr. Ananda Karunarathne regarding 'GKS: A Productive Academic Journey' which futher gave insights on the academic experiences in Korea and how it has shaped his career today. These presentations are informative especially for current and aspiring GKS scholars and reflected their educational experiences in Korea.
[GKS 동문회 소식/GKS Alumni Association News]/멕시코
On December 2nd, the Mexican GKS Alumni Association was held at the Korean Culture Center in Mexico and was attended by 12 GKS alumni. Cecilia Marquez, the president of the association, expressed her hopes for scholars to make the most of the benefits given through the program and help in strengthening the relationship between two countries. Discussions regarding ways tp revitalize the association in Mexico also took place and there are current plans to create communication platform for aspiring students in Mexico and also for the promotion of the GKS program. The newly elected president of the association, Hector Garcia, also voiced his passion to continue the activities of the association and wish to further strengthen the network between alumni.
[GKS 동문회 소식/GKS Alumni Association News]/루마니아
On December 7, the Romania GKS Alumni Association was held at the Korean Embassy in Romania and was attended by 7 GKS alumni and 12 new GKS scholars that will pursue their further studies in Korea. The event was opened with a speech by Ambassador Rim Kap-Soo, followed with a president election of the association and discussions regarding study experiences through the GKS program and plans for future activities. Through this event, Silvia Pencu was elected as the 2023-2024 president of the association and she voiced her hopes for alumni to continue being active in promoting Korea within the country. GKS alumni then expresed their experienced of studying in Korea through GKS program and how it has become a driving force for personal development. The event was closed with distribution of GKS souvenirs to all participants.
[GKS 동문회 소식/GKS Alumni Association News]/도미니카 공화국
On December 7th, the first Dominican Republic GKS Alumni Association meeting was held at the Korean Embassy in Dominican Republic and was attended by a total of 13 people, 9 of which are GKS alumni and 3 officials of the embassy. The event was first opened with a speech by the Ambassador, followed by an introduction of the alumni association. As it was the first meeting held for Dominican Republic GKS Alumni Association, there was an election for the chairman/president and vice-chairman/president of the association. Fellow alumni also shared their plans to actively participate in activities and events host by the association as well as by the embassy. Alumni further shared their experiences working in government agencies as well as Korean companies.
2022 GKS 동문초청연수/2022 Global Korea Scholarship Alumni Invitation Program
2022 대한민국 정부초청장학생 동문초청연수일시 | 2022.11.28. (월) 10:30-12:00장소 | 국립국제교육원 2층 대강당2022 Global Korea Scholarship Alumni Invitation ProgramDate and time | November 28, 2022 (Mon) at 10:30-12:00Place | 2nd Floor, National Institute for International Education
[GKS 동문회 소식/GKS Alumni Association News]/알제리
알제리 동문회 소식입니다.지난 8월 18일, 주알제리 대한민국대사관저에서 공관직원 3인 및 GKS 동문 9인이 참석한 가운데 제2회 알제리 GKS 동문회가 개최되었습니다. 금번 행사에는 특별히 신규 임원진 선출 이후 회장 취임식와 임명장 수여식이 있었습니다. Sadek Nessaib 동문회장과 Benayad Soumya 부회장 등 차기 임원진을 중심으로 동문회 활동 방향 및 조직 확대 방안이 논의되었으며, 동문들의 한국 연수 경험 발표 및 선배와의 대화 시간 또한 진행되었습니다.On last August 18, the second Algerian GKS Alumni Association was held at the Korean Embassy in Algeria and was attended by 3 officials of the embassy as well as 9 GKS alumni. In particular, there was an election for the next chairman of the association as well as the new executives. The newly elected chairman, Sadek Nessaid, and vice-chairman, Benayad Soumya, further discussed the future of alumni activities and their plans to expand the association!
[GKS 동문회 소식/GKS Alumni Association News]/필리핀
필리핀 동문회 소식입니다.필리핀 GKS 동문회(GKS PHAA)가 지난 11월 19일, 네 번째 정기모임을 개최했습니다. 김보람 필리핀 동문회 고문 겸 주필리핀 한국대사관 1등 서기관께서 행사의 막을 여는 축사에 이어 2022-2025년 재임하게 될 신임 임원진의 선서식을 진행해주셨습니다. Maria Lynette Callanta(2013년 초청) 동문이 새로운 동문회장으로서 2025년까지 동문회를 이끌어줄 예정입니다. 이 자리에서 신임 임원진의 취임식 또한 이루어졌습니다. 2022부로 필리핀 동문회 회원은 38인이 되었습니다. 현임 회장이자 GKS 홍보사절인 Ronel Laranjo 동문은 지금까지 동문회가 거두어온 성과를 보고하였으며 신임 회장 Callanta 동문은 이후의 동문회 활동 계획에 대해 발표하였습니다.필리핀 동문회 임원진과 회원들은 더불어 지난 11월 16일, 주필리핀 대한민국대사관이 주최한 2022년 AlumNight(동문회의 밤)에 참석하였습니다. 한국의 다양한 대학에서 유학한 필리핀 동문들 및 여타 장학금 수혜자들과 교류할 수 있는 시간이었습니다.GKS Philippines Alumni Association (GKS PHAA) held its 4th General Assembly last November 19. First Secretary and GKS PHAA Adviser Boram Kim gave the opening remarks and lead the oath-taking of the new set of officers from 2022-2025. Ms. Maria Lynette Callanta, 2013 fellow, is the new president of the organization and will lead from 2022 to 2025. New members were also inducted. As of 2022, the association has 38 official members. Outgoing President and GKS Publicity Envoy Prof. Ronel Laranjo reported the association's accomplisments for the past year while Ms. Callanta, the new president, presented her plans for GKS PHAA.GKS PHAA officers and members also attended the AlumNight 2022 hosted by the Korean Embassy in the Philippines last November 16. It was a night of networking for Filipino graduates of different universities in Korea and recipient of different scholarships.
[GKS 동문회 소식/GKS Alumni Association News]/몽골
몽골 동문회 소식입니다.지난 11월 18일, 몽골 울란바타르 시에서 몽골 GKS 동문회 “동문의 네트워크” 행사가 개최되었습니다. 본행사는 동문회 30여명이 참석한 가운데 주몽골 한국대사관 이정원 서기관님 인사 말씀으로 막을 열어 동문들의 동문회 활동에 대한 소감 나눔으로 채워졌습니다. 코로나로 인해 2년만에 치러지는 행사인만큼 동문들이 모처럼 서로의 안보를 묻고, 그동안 하지 못한 이야기를 할 수 있는 소중한 시간이었습니다. 또한 금번 행사에서 앞으로 동문회 활동 활성화를 위해 차기 회장 및 회장단이 참석자 전원일치로 선출되기도 했습니다. 선출된 임원들은 올해 계획과 향후 몽골 동문회 활동 방향에 대해 허심탄회하게 의견을 나누었으며, 동문들의 적극적 참여와 지지를 당부하였습니다.몽골 동문회는 향후 몽골 사회에서 제 역할을 할 수 있는 다양하고 폭넓은 활동을 통해 GKS 프로그램을 널리 알리는 역할을 하는 동시에 각자의 자리에서 몽골과 한국을 잇는 다리로서 양국 관계가 더욱 공고히 구축되도록 하는 데 기여할 계획입니다.News from MongoliaOn November 18, the Mongolia GKS Alumni Association held an "Alumni Network" event in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The event, which was attended by 30 alumni, opened with a welcome greeting by Lee Jung Won, the Secretary of the Korean Embassy in Mongolia, and followed by a session where the alumni shared their thought and experience on the alumni association's activities. As this was the first event to be held after two years due to COVID-19, it was a valuable time for the alumni as they are able to catch up with each other over the years. In addition to that, the next Mongolia GKS Chairman and executives were unanimously elected at the event to further revitalize alumni activities in the near future. The elected executives shared their future activity plans for the Mongolian Alumni Association and asked for the active participation and support of the alumni.The Mongolian Alumni Association will continue to play a role in the promotion of GKS program through various activities and contribute to strengthening the relationship between two countries.