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2022 외국인유학생 채용박람회/Job Fair for International Students 2022

조회수 : 3009

작성일 2022-09-16 (금) 17:28 작성자 gksalumni2

국가 전략산업(반도체, 이차전지, 인공지능 등) 경쟁력 강화 및 중소‧중견기업의 글로벌 경쟁력 강화를 위한 외국인유학생 채용박람회가 개최됩니다.

자세한 사항은 하단의 포스터 및 첨부파일을 참조해주시기 바랍니다.

 ◦ 일시 : 2022.10.21.(금)~10.22.(토), 10:00~17:00  

 ◦ 장소 : COEX, C1 Hall (2,572 s/m)

 ◦ 개최 : 산업통상자원부, 교육부

 ◦ 주관 : KOTRA, 국립국제교육원

 ◦ 후원 : 법무부, 한국연구재단

 ◦ 규모 : 국내기업 100개사, 외국인유학생 1,500명

 ◦ 프로그램

1. 10.21(금) (10:00-17:00)

*1:1 채용상담

- 외국인 취업비자 특강 및 상담

- 기업별 채용설명회

- 취업선배 토크 콘서트 등


2. 10.22(토) (10:00-16:00)

*1:1 채용상담

- 국내기업 인사담당자 특강

- 해외과학자유치사업(PP) 설명회

 * 1:1 채용상담은 서류 합격자 대상으로 진행

The Job Fair for International Students will be held to further strengthen the competition between national strategic industries (semiconductors, secondary battery, AI, etc.) as well as the competition between small and medium-sized companies/corporations.

Please refer to the attached poster and details below.

◦ Date and time: October 21, 2022 (Fri) - October 22, 2022 (Sat), 10:00 to 17:00

◦ Location: COEX, C1 Hall (2,572 s/m)

◦ Organization: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Ministry of Education

◦ Organized by KOTRA, National Institute of International Education

◦ Sponsored by: Ministry of Justice, National Research Foundation of Korea

◦ Size: 100 domestic companies, 1,500 international students

◦ Program

1. 10.21 (Fri) (10:00-17:00)

*1:1 recruitment consultation

- Special lectures and counseling on employment visas for foreigners

- Recruitment/employment briefing session by company

- Job senior talk, etc

2. 10.22 (Sat) (10:00-16:00)

*1:1 recruitment consultation

- Special lecture for HR managers of domestic companies

- Briefing Session on 해외과학자유치사업(PP)

*1:1 employment consultation is conducted for successful applicants


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